Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Coodles and Doodles

Coodles the bear and Doodles the fox were very interesting characters. Well, you see, theyt were opposites in many ways. Coodles was a smart, imaginative, scientific, awe-inspiring bear with many great ideas for his life. Doodles, on the other hand, was not the sharpest tool in the shed. he was a good friend, though, to Coodles and always tried to help Coodles with his many scientific "projects." Coodles and Doodles had been best friends since that one day when Coodles was 2 and Doodles was 2 1/2.
When Coodles was 2 he was much smaller than the other bears, the bears allways tormented him because of his big glasses and his size. They would call him Nerdimus, Coodely- Woodely, Baby, and many other mean names. One day when he was conducting an experiment on a rose plant to find out even more information on photosyntheseis. The experiment he was doing complex involved the complex data analyzer his mother had given hi for his 1st birthday. As he was entering data into the analyzer from a rose plant he had been studying, he heard and saw the largest bears of his pack trudging up behind him threatingly. Their names were T.J., Sniffle, and Pulverizer. T.J. was a large black bear with brown feet, and he seemed to always have a crazy look in his eye. Sniffle was known for making smaller bears cry and sniffle, which is how he got his name. Now, Pulverizer was the scariest bear of all he was the strongest, largest, and most intimidating bear of all. The worst thing was all those bears were coming after him.
T.J. was the first to talk, " What' cha workin' on today, Nerdimus?" Coodles, trying not to them mad, replied, "Oh, not much, right now." Coodles did not want to aggravate them, he didn't want his data analyzer smashed.

Who knows what can happen next? Stay tuned....


raelani said...

make sure the fox eats the analizer.

sidney said...

thats funy. I like the name eugien


horse@hrt/Marlee said...

funny knicks, your a good writer (: