Thursday, October 25, 2007

Coodles and Doodles Part 2

Coodles knew Eugene’s analyzer was smashed last week so he attempted to hide it by placing it behind him. “What ya tryin’ to hide from us, Coodely- Woodely?” Sniffle said in a very mocking tone as he went to look behind Coodles back. “Nothing,” Coodles replied, knowing his data analyzer was about to be smashed into a thousand pieces, “There’s nothing back here, guys! “ Sniffle said to Pulverizer and T.J., “ Where’d you put that thing you were messin’ with?” asked T.J. “We saw you put it behind your back!” said Sniffle. Coodles replied “ I don’t know where it is, I promise,” and truth be told he didn’t. He figured the red fox running away in the distance had something to do with it, though. You realize, Coodles really liked that data analyzer so he ran as fast as he could after that fox.
Coodles had completely forgotten about the bears that may have been following him, all he cared about was keeping his eye on that fox. He followed that fox into the forest and realized the bears were not following him. The fox was only 10 feet ahead of him and it had just stopped for a break anyways. Coodles ran up to the fox, so elated form knowing he had dodged getting hurt by the bears, he barely noticed that the fox was trying to eat his analyzer! “STOP!” He shouted at the fox, “STOP. That is mine!” The fox looked up and said, “Huh? This is my food, not yours. Mine. Mine.”


raelani said...

Interesting twist how Doodles tried to eat the orginizer. I like your story because it has lots of distinct characters. said...

I like this story because I can really picture the fight between the bears and coodles. There's also lots of details.