Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Coodles and Doodles Part 3 (read parts 1 & 2 first!)

"No, you don't seem to understand that is MY DATA ANALYZER!" Coodles shouted just slightly impatiently. Doodles looked up from munching on the analyzer.
" What is it?"
" A data analyzer!"
" Hmph. Don't know what that is. You can have it back, though, it doesn't taste so good."
"Thank you," Coodles said exasperatedly.

I know this entry was short but stay tuned.....

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Coodles and Doodles Part 2

Coodles knew Eugene’s analyzer was smashed last week so he attempted to hide it by placing it behind him. “What ya tryin’ to hide from us, Coodely- Woodely?” Sniffle said in a very mocking tone as he went to look behind Coodles back. “Nothing,” Coodles replied, knowing his data analyzer was about to be smashed into a thousand pieces, “There’s nothing back here, guys! “ Sniffle said to Pulverizer and T.J., “ Where’d you put that thing you were messin’ with?” asked T.J. “We saw you put it behind your back!” said Sniffle. Coodles replied “ I don’t know where it is, I promise,” and truth be told he didn’t. He figured the red fox running away in the distance had something to do with it, though. You realize, Coodles really liked that data analyzer so he ran as fast as he could after that fox.
Coodles had completely forgotten about the bears that may have been following him, all he cared about was keeping his eye on that fox. He followed that fox into the forest and realized the bears were not following him. The fox was only 10 feet ahead of him and it had just stopped for a break anyways. Coodles ran up to the fox, so elated form knowing he had dodged getting hurt by the bears, he barely noticed that the fox was trying to eat his analyzer! “STOP!” He shouted at the fox, “STOP. That is mine!” The fox looked up and said, “Huh? This is my food, not yours. Mine. Mine.”

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Coodles and Doodles

Coodles the bear and Doodles the fox were very interesting characters. Well, you see, theyt were opposites in many ways. Coodles was a smart, imaginative, scientific, awe-inspiring bear with many great ideas for his life. Doodles, on the other hand, was not the sharpest tool in the shed. he was a good friend, though, to Coodles and always tried to help Coodles with his many scientific "projects." Coodles and Doodles had been best friends since that one day when Coodles was 2 and Doodles was 2 1/2.
When Coodles was 2 he was much smaller than the other bears, the bears allways tormented him because of his big glasses and his size. They would call him Nerdimus, Coodely- Woodely, Baby, and many other mean names. One day when he was conducting an experiment on a rose plant to find out even more information on photosyntheseis. The experiment he was doing complex involved the complex data analyzer his mother had given hi for his 1st birthday. As he was entering data into the analyzer from a rose plant he had been studying, he heard and saw the largest bears of his pack trudging up behind him threatingly. Their names were T.J., Sniffle, and Pulverizer. T.J. was a large black bear with brown feet, and he seemed to always have a crazy look in his eye. Sniffle was known for making smaller bears cry and sniffle, which is how he got his name. Now, Pulverizer was the scariest bear of all he was the strongest, largest, and most intimidating bear of all. The worst thing was all those bears were coming after him.
T.J. was the first to talk, " What' cha workin' on today, Nerdimus?" Coodles, trying not to them mad, replied, "Oh, not much, right now." Coodles did not want to aggravate them, he didn't want his data analyzer smashed.

Who knows what can happen next? Stay tuned....

Monday, October 15, 2007

Fishing In Chelan

The boat was finally on the water. The launch had went amazingly smoothly and I was ready to reel in a fish! That morning was a perfect time for fishing, it wasn’t very hot and the waters were calm as they get. My dad was looking and driving around trying to find the perfect fishing spot.

We passed under a small bridge and we thought where we were looked like a great spot to drop our lines. I saw plenty of fish jumping so I was starting to think we might actually catch some fish. We slowed the boat until it was at trolling speed. All lines had been dropped, except for mine. I finally was ready to drop mine after my dad put a “wedding ring,” which is a lure, on my pole. Now, we were ready to catch some serious fish.

For thirty minutes we trolled back and forth, and had caught nothing, zip, zilch. Not even a bite! The big highlight of these thirty minutes was feeding the ducks that were following our boat our leftover bagel from breakfast. Which I thought was awesome because I love to feed ducks! Anyways, back to fishing, we went back out under the bridge to exit the completely dead fishing spot. We stopped our boat just about ten to twenty feet past these white buoys, that were on either side of the lake, that had the words “No Wake,” painted on them. We trolled out a bit from where we originally stopped, then we trolled back in towards the buoys. Right when we were only feet away from passing the buoys BAM! My dad’s pole had a fish on!! I had called the first fish, so my dad handed the pole to me. I reeled and I reeled the fish in (which wasn’t too hard) When I got it up to the boat my dad netted it. Turns out it was a small-medium size smallmouth bass, about .3-.5 lbs. Yes, the first fish of the trip!

We finally figured out where “the perfect spot” was, it was right where we had caught the first fish. Every time we trolled past there we caught a fish. The second time we trolled past my dad’s pole had a fish on, again! Since it was my brother’s turn he reeled it in. This fish was a big smallmouth bass around .7 or .8 lbs (big for a smallmouth bass)! As the day rolled on we caught two more smallmouth bass, both around .5-.6 lbs. We had caught just enough for dinner.

That night, our last night in Chelan, we had the fish for dinner. With a little bit of spice it was the perfect dinner, a dinner we caught ourselves.