Friday, March 21, 2008

Runaway Part VIII

Julie gave me one last sympathetic look and walked out of the room. I looked down at what I was holding in my hand, a crumpled small piece of paper. It was much more than just crumpled piece of notebook paper, though. This note was a portal to the life that I could've-should've-would've had. I guess there was no point in analyzing the note all day, wondering what might be written on it. So I opened it and let my eyes skim quickly over the perfect and precise writing that I wish I had.

The little girl you've been holding is my baby. Right now, I just can't take care of her and I need to get my life back on track. I hope that when I am in the place that I want to be, I will find her or she will find me. I just love her so much....Treat her well, please.

P.S. Her name is Leenor

I could not control the tears that had welled up in my eyes. I let them stream down my face and didn't even try to control them. Before I knew it I was sobbing like I had never sobbed before. Seemed like it had just hit me that I had a mom, a real mom, somewhere, she wasn't just a thing of my imagination. The more I cried questions came to my mind that I would ask my mother if we ever happened to meet. Why did you name me Leenor? What is my ethnicity? What is my real last name? Why didn't you ever call? Then I came to a stark realization. I'm never going to find my mother. I must be crazy!! She has probably forgotten I exist, I mean it's been 11 years, and has some nice family somewhere else. Most peoples lives change a lot in that amount of time.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


The flight there makes me oh-so excited.
The humid wind makes my hair fly.
The sun on my skin makes me know I'm getting a tan.
The waterfalls make me happy.
The culture makes me feel enlightened.
The last day makes me wish for more.
The flight away makes me want to go back.